My 2009 book Essaying the Past: How to Read, Write and Think about History has recently been published in an updated and expanded edition by Wiley-Blackwell. This edition features a new chapter on introductions and conclusion, as well as further information on citing electronic sources like e-books, blogs, and other new realities of the digital age. Some references have also been updated (I replaced a discussion of Avril Levigne with Taylor Swift) as well as more recent examples of student writing to illustrate effective technique.
In addition to Essaying the Past, I'm working on two other related projects both with Wiley-Blackwell as well. The first is a new edition of my 2001 anthology Popular Culture in American History, featuring some of the best scholarship on the subject in the last quarter-century. The other is a new textbook, tentatively titled Stages, Pages and Screens: A Brief History of the Modern Media. Pub dates for these books are estimated between late 2013 and early 2014. Hope you'll get a chance to have a look.